Ha Ha! Old Pictures on the Internet!

If you, like myself, are a member of that select group of internet riff-raff with their fingers on the pulse of the web’s juvenile yet creative dark corners (4chan, Fark, SomethingAwful), you’ll no doubt be familiar with this image.


Simply, for lack of a better word, classic.

My best friend Rupert Scammell, while browsing through some old pictures in an antique bookstore in San Francisco, came across this image, which though likely not the source of the original meme, is strikingly similar (and arguably even better– just look at that pose!)


As one of the creators of Schrodinger’s LOLcat, and a good netizen, I feel it my duty to try and bring some meme magic to this aging sepia-tone print.


In reference to another classic.


And finally…


Okay, so none of them are stellar, but inspiration is a fickle mistress. I’d love to see what others come up with.

Through the Wash

A few months ago, my buddy Chris and I were “shootin’ the shit,” as one is want to do, and he mentioned that he just found a jump-drive that he had accidentally sent through the washing machine. Unsurprisingly for those of us who know their way around electronic circuits, after drying the thing out, it worked. Despite this, we thought it might be fun to see what else could survive a trip to the laundromat, and decided to build Through the Wash.

With video reviews featuring the comedy talent of the Geek Comedy Tour 3000 team, we think Through the Wash has the potential to be a hit– but we need your help, so check it out and spread the word!

Behind the LOLcat: Schrodinger’s LOLcat

Schrodinger’s LOLcat

A few days ago, I was listening to a podcast lecture on the basics of quantum cryptography when I got into a discussion about the nitty-gritty of the subject with my friend Justin.

dantekgeek: exponential on a regular computer, but reasonable time on a quantum computer, right?
justinwick: Right right
justinwick: assuming ur in ur quantum computerz, giving them enuff qbitz
dantekgeek: hahahaha
justinwick: 🙂
justinwick: schrodinger’s lolcat

I quickly searched flickr for a suitable image, and came across Kevin Steele’s fantastic “a box for every cat.” Some quick work in Skitch, and Schrodinger’s lolcat was born.

I figured my circle of friends would get a kick out of it, and that maybe it would be picked up by BoingBoing, but could never have predicted the amount of exposure my little creation has received.

Others had the idea long before I came across it, but for whatever reason, it was my LOLcat which gets all the glory. This puts me in kind of a weird position; On one hand, I don’t want to be seen as taking credit for an idea that was already floating in the ether, but the fact remains that we did create this thing without knowledge of prior-art, and I think that should count for something.

I want to make clear that I couldn’t have made this thing on my own, and it was only through the spirit of the meme, my conversation with Justin, and Kevin’s photo that this thing came to fruition. I am but one small robot on the LOLcat assembly line.

I’m in talks with Justin and Kevin about possibly printing up some t-shirts, but nothing is guaranteed– we might choose to just let this thing stay online, where it was born, and where it belongs.

Tiny Pies

Brilliant new ad for the Samsung Ultra series of mobile phones. To quote the ever witty Phil Torrone,

We’re never going to solve the bees all dying off if we keep throwing tiny pies at them…

[via Make]

#Joiito and The Vagina Game

#Joiito on irc.freenode.net is a pretty close-knit community, and as with any group of people who spend a great deal of time with each other, much of that time is spent joking around.

This evening, Nick Douglas introduced us all to The Vagina Game, in which one replaces words in film titles with the word “vagina.” Collective credit for the examples presented below goes to the channel as a whole. As the game progressed, the rules were bent to allow for the inclusion of television shows, video game titles, and podcasts.

Continue reading #Joiito and The Vagina Game

Airbag Blog Advisory System

Blog Advisory System

In these troubled times, it’s important for internet users to have an easy way to determine whether the content on a given site is age/sensibility appropriate. In the past, one would be forced to actually read things to determine their content, but no longer will unsuspecting pussies be placed in this vulnerable position. Introducing the Airbag Blog Advisory System

Built by people who have read about scientist from NASA, the Automatic Rating System scans your site for certain words that might otherwise scare good people away from reading or commenting on UR website.

A quick glance at the sidebar indicates that Geek Friendly is currently at threat level Blue, which indicates the use of strong opinion, and not-quite-as-strong language.

This has been a Geek Friendly public service announcement.


In September of 2001, popular rock act Nickelback released “How You Remind Me,” which quickly climbed the Billboard charts to the #1 position, staying there for over four weeks.

Two years later, in August 2003, the band released “Someday,” which although not as successful as their first hit, still reached a respectable #7 on the US charts.

Even to the casual listener, these two songs are strikingly similar. But they couldn’t possibly be the same song… could they?

The answer– a resounding yes– comes in the form of a creatively put together flash animation. The two songs are overlayed to deomonstrate their near-exact similarity, with one each coming out of the right and left speaker. For added fun, switch quickly between your left and right speakers to hear how the two songs fit together.

[via Kottke]